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How to Extract Authenticity in Podcasting | Adam Pearce

Today’s Guest Adam Pearce

In the realm of podcasting, the quest for authenticity is not just a trend; it's a necessity. In an episode of Podjunction, we were fortunate to have an engaging conversation with Adam Pearce, a luminary in the podcasting world. The discussion was not just enlightening; it redefined the essence of what makes a podcast genuinely captivating.

The Curious Mind of a Podcaster

The first and foremost element that stands out in our dialogue with Adam is the importance of having a curious mind. In podcasting, curiosity is not merely about asking questions; it’s about peeling back the layers of your guest's story. It’s about delving deeper into the realms of their experiences, thoughts, and emotions. A curious host, armed with thoughtful and probing questions, can unveil the most authentic and compelling narratives from their guests.

Authenticity from the Host's Chair

Another pivotal aspect of podcasting is the authenticity of the host. The way a host navigates the conversation, their genuineness and engagement, sets the tone for the entire episode. It’s about being more than just a question-asking machine; it’s about being an active participant in the story that unfolds. This authenticity from the host encourages guests to open up, share more deeply, and engage more meaningfully.

Navigating the Authenticity Challenge

Every podcast episode is a journey, and not all journeys are smooth. There are moments when a conversation might not align with the intended authenticity. These are critical decision points for a host. Does one continue down a path that feels inauthentic, or does one steer the conversation back to its genuine course? These moments call for a decision that can either make or break the essence of the episode.

The Power of Real Conversations

In conclusion, the art of podcasting goes beyond just recording conversations. It's about crafting an experience, both for the guest and the listener. In this episode of Podjunction with Adam Pearce, we unearthed the essence of what it takes to create a truly authentic podcast. It's about curiosity, authenticity, and the courage to steer conversations into realms of real impact.

Check out this episode of Podjunction – where business meets podcasting. Discover how genuine dialogue can transform not just your podcast, but the very way you perceive stories and conversations.

Sadaf Beynon: Welcome to Podjunction, where business meets podcasting. Whether you're on a morning jog, driving to work, whipping up a meal, or just taking a moment for yourself, our weekly bite sized episodes promise fresh insights from successful podcasters who have cracked the code of using podcasts to grow their business.

So whether you're a podcasting newbie or seasoned podcaster, grab your notebooks and get ready.

Matt Edmundson: So, welcome to Podjunction. My name is Matt Edmundson, beside me is the beautiful, uh, and, well let's just say you're a podcast specialist. I

Sadaf Beynon: do know how to use a microphone. Podcasting 101.

Matt Edmundson: We were just, before we hit the record button, we were doing this thing where we were like, we do the sound checks, right?

So we do, we do a simple sound check on the microphone. You can't see it on the screen, [00:01:00] but, and if you're listening to the audio, you definitely can't see it. But next to me is a very nice sound desk. And so we were doing like the sound check, weren't we? And I'm thinking this is not sounding right and then I looked over at Sadaf and her microphone was like, what, six foot away from where it should be?

Yeah, pretty much. So I said to Sadaf, I said, I was like, what's the first rule of podcasting? And you were like, I don't know, what is the first, like it was a joke.

Sadaf Beynon: I was waiting for the punchline.

Matt Edmundson: And then it was like, oh, yes, I've got to use my, I'm just taking my chair here. I've got to use a microphone. So yes, we are professionals, ladies and gentlemen. Warm welcome to you. Warm welcome to the show. Uh, yeah, it's great to be here. It is great to be here. It is, absolutely. For those of you who don't know, if this isn't, if you're new to us, because we're still quite a new podcast, but if you're new to us, warm welcome to you.

We're a podcasting about podcasting. Yeah. Uh, it's full business, actually, it's probably should just clarify. Uh, so if you use podcasting to help grow your business, you're in the right place because we chat [00:02:00] about that. And today we have, we have

Sadaf Beynon: Adam Pearce. We had him last week as well. So he's back again.

And um, he is host of Shopify Across The Pond and he's CEO of Blend Commerce.

Matt Edmundson: CEO. CEO. Yeah, the dude in charge Blend Commerce. Uh, I've known Adam for a little while actually. And so he, his podcast Shopify Across the pond is, um, is all about Shopify, which is an e-commerce platform. Mm-Hmm. , which is, you know, the other part of what we do.

Uh, and Adam's business is all about attracting agency, isn't it? So, that's Right. Um, or attracting businesses to his agency. To his agency. So, yeah. Yeah. Uh, e-Commerce guys to his agency to come use his services. And so he uses podcasts for that. So, yeah. Yeah.

Sadaf Beynon: And, um, he's talking about, um, authentic stories.

So how do we, as podcast hosts, extract real authentic stories from our guests to make a great podcast?

Matt Edmundson: Wow, that's going to be fun. Yeah. Well, I know it's fun because I did the interview.[00:03:00]

Sadaf Beynon: But before we do that, before we do that, I have a question, Matt. It's still not working? No, there we go. There you

Matt Edmundson: go. Talk into the microphone. I think I got

Sadaf Beynon: stuck in it. All right. All right. So, Matt, I wondered if you had an all expenses paid trip to anywhere in the world that you would want to go to, the only catch was you had to do a podcast recording while you were there.

Where would that

Matt Edmundson: be? I don't think it would change it. I think the one place that I've visited, there's a lot of places that I've been to that I've been privileged to go to. Um, I have flown around the world. I've been to many places, but there are definite places on my list that I have not been to. And one of the places I want to go to it's a real tension for me because I want to go to the Maldives before they disappear, but they disappear because people keep going to the Maldives, right?

It's a catch [00:04:00] 22. So the it just is what it is. But I'd love to go just hang out in the Maldives two weeks to see what it's like. Um, friends who have been say it's just the most amazing, most amazing place, but, um, to be fair, anywhere that's not England on a cold, dreary day would be good. Uh, and so, yeah, as long as I don't have to take the podcast recording equipment, if it's all there set up for me, that's fine.

It's all good.

Sadaf Beynon: Well, clock's ticking. Book it.

Matt Edmundson: I am flying out to Dallas, um, to do a podcast, a live podcast event there. So, um, there's a eCommerce event called Sub Summit. I was at there last year and love Sub Summit. It's great if you're into the eCommerce business or subscription business, you should definitely go.

Quick plug. Um, but what happens is, uh, I actually record [00:05:00] a, a live eCommerce podcast whilst I'm there. And so they set all the podcast equipment up, which is a beautiful thing. You just walk up. I just rock up and I just literally start talking to people about eCommerce, which is a beautiful thing. Uh, it's one of my favorite topics, if you know me.

And so, um, so yeah, I am, I am actually flying out somewhere to do some podcast recordings. Dallas at the moment for 2024 is the most exotic place. So if you would like me to do a live podcast recording somewhere more exotic than Dallas, which is not difficult, is it really? I mean, Dallas is okay. It's just not exotic.

It'll be hot though. You'll get that. It'll be hot. And I'll get to hang out with some friends, which is always nice. So yeah. Yeah. Cool. All right. Does that answer your question? Where would you go?

Sadaf Beynon: Um, somewhere hot. Somewhere hot with lots and lots of space.

Matt Edmundson: Somewhere hot with lots and lots of space.

Sadaf Beynon: England's a bit cold and like Small.

Matt Edmundson: Need more space. Need more space, okay. Somewhere hot with lots of space. Yes. So not Wales. No. [00:06:00] India?

Sadaf Beynon: No. My background is Pakistani, you know that, right? Yeah,

Matt Edmundson: that's what I'm saying, India, just to wind you up.

It's a bit like asking me if I want to go to Manchester when I live in Liverpool. Yeah, no, I don't really. Um, so, so, uh, Africa? No.

Sadaf Beynon: Asia? Um, you know, I think I would, uh, I would go to. Italy, I have not been to Italy, but it's not very big, is it? Okay,

Matt Edmundson: I think, so hang on, anywhere as long as it's hot and there's lots of space, Africa, no, India, no, Asia, no.

Where? Italy. I just, I,

Sadaf Beynon: if we're, if we're, you know, going somewhere, I want to go somewhere,

Matt Edmundson: you understand what I have to work with ladies and gentlemen, yeah, he loves it on a daily basis. It's [00:07:00] awesome. Right. Let's play this video. Uh, we've got Adam chatting away. We're going to play this clip. Uh, listen to it, take your notes, then Sadaf and I will be back to check, uh, check to chat about it.

And to go through our takeaways. So here is Adam.

Adam Pearce: It actually, the episode itself was pretty conversational. Um, and I think, you know, what I've found is that that's pretty much been, you know, the general ebb and flow for all of the kind of guests that we've had on the show. Yeah. You know, it's interesting, you know, obviously we live in a time where we, we all kind of have a very curated.

Uh, social media presence, I think, and you know, we talk about personal branding and all this kind of thing, and people pay consultants, but what I've always found out about you, Matt, is that when you get someone on a podcast, there's almost kind of this, if you can get it to a point where it is a conversation.

I find I get a lot more out of them than you would do on what they give, you know, from a LinkedIn post or, you know, TikTok [00:08:00] video, whatever it might be.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, I agree. And they're always the memorable ones, aren't they? Both from their point of view and from your point of view. So, um, as a podcast host, I've, I, it's lovely to hear when people come on your show and they say to you, that was great.

Um, you did a great job. I felt really comfortable because I always say, uh, you'd probably do the same, Adam, you know, say to guests at the end, how was that for you? How did you find that? And I'm really intrigued to hear what they have to say. So, I mean, most of the people say it was great, it was fine. Not many people say you were rubbish because that's not what they want to do.

They, they want to still be on your podcast. But it's, there are some people who actually will just give you some little nuggets when you ask them that question, which is, which is always lovely to hear. And you tend to find those that are conversational and intent on delivering value would be the other thing, um, make the best guess.

No, I

Adam Pearce: agree. And look, you know, I've, I've had some absolute stinkers, you know, I can't lie. Um, you know, I've had a lot of, [00:09:00] you know, I wouldn't say a lot of, I've probably got five or six whereby someone has come in essentially with the answers all prepped and it is essentially a veiled sales conversation.

Um, and what unfortunately I've had to do in this situation is basically stop the recording and say, look, this isn't really going to work if we are basically, you know, exchanging verbatim between one another. Um, yeah, people, people know when that's being done and I think, you know, also as, as a podcast host, you have to kind of protect that because ultimately if someone jumps into your podcast on that episode, you know, you know what it's like, Matt, they're probably not going to give you the opportunity to, to show them that you can do something different.

So it's kind of, I think for, from both people as a guest. I think you need to be mindful of that because podcasts. Secondly, you know, you're not going to actually convey the message you want to. And then from the actual, you know, podcaster themselves, you know, they've got a podcast [00:10:00] reputation to uphold as well.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, that's very true. Very, very true. So what are some of the other things that you think make great guests that you found in your three and a half year tenure? I

Adam Pearce: think the thing for me is. When you have someone that has almost kind of gone against the grain of what people are expecting, um, what I mean by that is that, you know, there are a lot of brilliant, um, entrepreneurs that have started businesses that are completely unrelated.

To the field that they then end up, end ended up in. Yeah. And yeah, there, there seems to be, you know, sometimes there's a particular trajectory that, you know, people might follow. So, you know, look, they've, they've gone to university, they've then gone to work for a big corporate. They see an opportunity in the market.

They start up a, you know, an e-commerce line. They sell. Okay, that, and I'm not knocking that, you know, fair play to people, but it's when you get people, you know, that are kind of saying, look, well, actually, you know what, [00:11:00] um, I didn't go to university, I had no interest in eCommerce, and then one day I'm walking down the street, and basically I see this thing in front of me, and I'm like, look, there's something that's got to be different to be done about that, and I started developing this product, and it was in my shed and all this thing, and it's just kind of, you know, I guess, you know, the one that I think, you know, probably a lot of people know about, He's probably someone like Ben Francis who started Gymshark, you know, great for him, a young lad delivering pizzas, buys a t shirt printing press, does it in his mum and dad's garage and starts sending it online.

You know, it's when it's a little bit different to maybe what people expect because I think our responsibility as a podcast host is to present different avenues in the industry that we podcast in and inspire people. Having the same story about, you know, going to work for a consultancy or accountancy firm and then, you know, blah, blah, blah, you know, swapping the opportunity is fine, but we don't want to keep hearing that same story again and again and again.

Matt Edmundson: That's super true. Because especially [00:12:00] with podcasts, I've found that You know, like with the agencies that contact you and say, do you mind having this guest on? It becomes very hard to differentiate between a bunch of the guests that they, they sort of merge and blend into this sort of beige vanilla kind of flavoring.

You're like, well, I've had one. I don't really need any more in that sort of field or genre. So you have to work hard to, to get it to sort of stick out, I think. But I'm curious, Adam, when you have interviewed people, Matt, how do you get to the story? What sort of, do you, do you have a specific, um, strategy?

Are you just naturally curious? Do you have preset questions which you're intrigued about that person? Do you do a lot of research? I don't know. How do you get to the story of the, of the guests that you've got on?

Adam Pearce: Yeah, no, I think, you know, the, my strategy usually is that when I'm doing a podcast, I will have basically five set questions I've nailed down.

What I tend to find with that is that I almost kind of look at these as sort of like chapters of the book, and then what [00:13:00] I try to do then is basically off the back of their responses, almost kind of a mini subsection with each of those questions. So I ask something that's quite open as a question, and then I just try and keep drilling into layer down, layer down, layer down within that question.

Because I think by doing that, you know, for example, you know, If you, you know, if I've got a guest on the show who is, you know, say, for example, from a reviews platform for, for eCommerce, you know, my first question usually is, right, you know, well, why actually, how did you initially get into eCommerce? And then they'll tell me, you know, a story about their work with a company.

And then, you know, I'll say, well, why is it in that case that you picked reviews? Isn't reviews quite a boring aspect of eCommerce? So you throw a bit of that kind of, you know, kind of challenging sort of thing in there. Um, and then, you know, what do you think about people that think this way about that particular aspect?

So it's just that sort of, you know, I try and just keep drilling down into [00:14:00] that detail. And that's when I think you get, you know, those nuggets that you talked about earlier on.

Matt Edmundson: So welcome back to Podjunction. Great conversation there with Adam.

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah, gave me lots of food for thought, actually. I don't think I was quite finished processing that.

Matt Edmundson: It was quite an abrupt ending to that sort of little clip, wasn't it, from Adam there. So again, huge thank you to Adam for coming onto the show and just telling us how he, uh, how he operates with his podcast. Do check it out. It's Shopify Across The Pond is his podcast. Um, but yeah, so you took lots of notes.

What did you get from that?

Sadaf Beynon: Um, first thing he started off talking about was social media and how it's highly curated and it, yeah, it, you know, very polished. Yeah. And it does impact our, our understanding of what is authentic or not. Yeah. Isn't it? Um, it has so much to do with that. And yet we're all, we're all scrolling all the

Matt Edmundson: time, doom scrolling as they like to call it [00:15:00] now, don't they?

But no, it's interesting what you said about that with the. Because we do like to put on these sort of highly polished versions of life, don't we, on social media. And I think, um, I, I totally agree with Adam that actually when you take those same folks and get them onto a podcast and actually can engage them into a real conversation, then the sort of the polishness goes and actually it starts to become authentic.

And I think it's a, when you'll know as a podcaster, if you've had guests on your show, you will know as a podcaster, or if you're just starting out and you're going to get guests on your show, you'll know when you have hit something with that guest where you go, this is just sweet or beautiful. It's genuine.

It's authentic. This is the reason why I do it. This is a great conversation. Um, and you get some guests that are just so amazing with that. And then you get some guests who are so. You know, closed up like a duck's butt really, um, as we like to say, [00:16:00] um, but they're so closed that actually it's like talking to their social media profile, do you know what I mean?

And so, yeah, I thought it was a good analogy. You take away the polish, I think, with the podcast.

Sadaf Beynon: He talked about having a few set questions as chapters akin to chapters in a book and how he would ask, he asked a question and kind of digs into it layer by layer. I was thinking, what if you've got guests who just, um, you ask them a question and they just love to talk.

I mean, they talk good stuff. They're giving away, you know, like it's genuine, it's all of that, all of those things, but they like to talk. Yeah. So how do you then, um. As a host, how do you keep them on track in one sense, but also be able to still extract the things you kind of want because you know, your listeners are after that particular information.

How would you do

Matt Edmundson: that? I think there's so many things that you can do there, [00:17:00] um, that will help you. So the reason I'm laughing is because I recorded a podcast yesterday. Um, I won't mention who I recorded it with, but I, the opening question you're just thinking was 10 minutes later, he's still talking. Um, and you're like, so there's a number of things to think about.

What helped me with that guest was number one, I think we prepped him well, so he knew what was coming up and he knew the kind of questions that we were going to ask. I didn't give him a list of all the questions like Adam on that particular part. I don't do it on every podcast, but on that particular one, um, we have, uh, three.

Key themes that we want to hit. Mm-Hmm. You know, it is, what's the story? You do that podcast as well. And so there's three key, key three questions that we have. Mm-Hmm. . We, we're not gonna ask the same the question the same way, but we want, we want those answers to those three questions every time. Yeah.

Yeah. So he knew what was coming up. So he, I think he, once he got got off on the first one, he kinda like, well, he knows what's coming up, so he knows he can't keep going and going and going. [00:18:00] Mm-Hmm. , um. Two, I think actually you've got to ask is what they're saying interesting, because sometimes we panic that they've gone on for five or six minutes, but actually that's okay.

If those five or six minutes are really interesting, um, if they're not interesting, well then I think you need to learn from that as a host, you know, and that's when you interrupt. That's when you, um, become a little bit more forceful with how you ask questions and not being afraid to do that, because it will actually come across quite naturally.

On the podcast, you know, if you're talking and I'm in a conversation with you and sometimes we think because we're recording it, we've got to be a bit more polite. Yeah, but if it's that conversation, just like you were in a pub or in a coffee shop or something, you, you would make some kind of comment. Um, and I think you can do that and it does interrupt people when they're talking.

Um, the other thing that I found as well is you can, you can, you can say to people if you think they're going to be a bit of a talker. Um. Usually they know it. It's [00:19:00] normally people that have not really been on podcasts before or if they have, they know they're a bit of a talker. You have some sort of an agreement which says, if I do this, then that's the sign you need to stop talking, right?

If you're doing the video, don't do this. Yeah. Have you ever had to use that? Uh, this, sorry, if you're listening to the audio, what I'm doing is I'm doing that thing, you know, where you move your hand underneath your chin, kill ya, kill it, kill it dead. Um, yeah, no, no, it's just simple things like, um, I might just put my pencil up in the air like that.

Uh, you know, cause I've always got a pen or a pencil in my hand because I'm always making notes. You know, that's one of the great ways of getting conversation out of people is you make notes, active listening. But yeah, that's one way it is. But I don't do it like, like I'm at school, you know, like, hello teacher, uh, I've got the answer, just put my hand, no, it's just a real subtle thing, like, [00:20:00] yeah.

And you, you might watch that podcast and go, you would never know if you're watching the video, but the guest sees it and goes, okay, I should probably wrap it up. Yeah, yeah. Cool. But there have been a few occasions where I've just literally talked over them and I didn't care because it was my podcast.

Sadaf Beynon: And they didn't notice.

Matt Edmundson: No, not at all. Not at all. And if they did, they're kind of like, Oh yeah, sorry, I was going on a little bit there. Yeah, you were, you little git. Stop it. You know, it's one of those where I think, actually, it's okay to make fun of it, to joke about it. Sometimes we feel like we have to take it a little bit too serious.

Um, and so, that would be, yeah, that would be how I would handle those situations. Just be rude.

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah. I mean, I guess what you're saying is that even like, as we're looking for authenticity in our, in our guest stories, there's a level of authenticity for us as a host as well. Right? That's a mic drop

Matt Edmundson: moment.

It's very true. That's right. It's a good way of putting it. You've got to, [00:21:00] you've got to do it how you would do the way I think about it. Some people have different names for it. I'm like, imagine if you were sat in a coffee shop talking to this person and someone just put microphones on the table and you forgot they were there and you were just having that conversation.

Or if you're in the pub, if you're in the UK, um, Rob Brown calls it the fireside chat, you know, like you're sitting around a fireplace just chatting away, whatever that scenario, whatever that setting is that works for you, however you do it, if you imagine that's the kind of conversation you want to have with the guest.

Well, you want them to be authentic. You've got to be authentic and vulnerable and share what's going on. But also I know full well, if we're sat in a coffee shop and I'm talking too much, you're going to interrupt me. So why would you not do it on a podcast? Yeah, you know, don't be, you know, stupid about it, but it's okay.

Sadaf Beynon: Alright, next. I was just going to interrupt you there. I

Matt Edmundson: knew what I could see in you. So it's good, Matt, you're talking too much [00:22:00] now. How do I interrupt you? I was going to try and make some jokes. Didn't work, did it? No, no, okay. Okay. See, banter's good. Yeah, banter's good. Banter's very good, and that's a good way to interrupt people as well.

Sadaf Beynon: So what's in your notes, Matt?

Matt Edmundson: One of the things that Adam mentioned was how he dealt with stinkers, which I thought was such a great phrase. We've had a few stinkers on our podcast and, um, that if you're outside of maybe the UK and that doesn't translate, it basically means he's had a few bad guests, you know, some guests that really were not great and they were going bad.

And actually what Adam did, I think takes a lot of courage as a podcaster. So if I'm doing a podcast and I'm recording with somebody, I don't mind if I'm getting on well with them, interrupting them, I don't mind that banter. That's authentic conversation. So that's the first hurdle you've got to overcome.

But if you do get this person on the podcast and you just go, this is not going the way it needs to go there. And [00:23:00] often it's because they're really salesy. Or they do keep talking about utter nonsense in a monotone voice, right? Um, but usually it's because they're salesy. Normally they've come on, they've got an agenda.

It's like, I've got to promote to your audience my product. And, um, I've always said to guests in the past, actually, listen, if you come across as salesy, the guests are just going to turn off. The ones we know from the evidence that if you get a guest on the show, the guests always do well. All the ones that deliver the most value, right?

So we say this to people that come onto our podcast, just deliver, if you focus on delivering value, it's going to be great. And that's got rid of most of the stinkers, but he, what Adam did or does takes a lot of courage, um, I think as a podcaster and certainly in the early days is the ability to stop the recording or to stop the guest and to say to the guest, dude, listen, I'm really sorry.

Maybe I've not. PrepTube well [00:24:00] enough, but fundamentally, this is not going to work and it's not going to work because of X, Y and Z so we can either redo what we've been doing and make it a bit more relevant or we can, um, we can just stop if you don't think that this is going to work. I think it's a really, it's a really tricky thing to be able to.

to do that. It takes a lot of bravery. It takes a lot of courage. Um, and good on Adam for doing it, you know?

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if I'd be able to. I'd have, I think I'd have to do quite a few podcasts to get

Matt Edmundson: to that point. To get the confidence. Yeah. I think it's, it is a confidence thing and it's the ability to sit there and think about your audience and go, actually, what does my audience want here?

The way I know some people deal with this, because Adam. It's a bit like me. I don't mind actually stopping people mid interview and just going, I'm really sorry. I probably, I maybe would be a bit [00:25:00] more tactful if I was doing a live stream, that would be a bit more interesting, I suppose. But if I'm just doing a straightforward recording, I don't mind interrupting people and having that chat with them.

But the other way I've seen people doing it is to say at the end of the podcast, just record the podcast as normal, but then not air the podcast. Yeah. And then just, you know, write to the guests, say, thanks for coming on the show. We've decided not to wear the podcast because of this, this, and this was, you know, the production team didn't think it was right.

We don't, and as long as you're putting your terms and conditions, when people come on the show, we don't always, every podcast we record. Um, yeah, I think, but I thought it was interesting. Like I say, the courage to stand up to, to interrupt somebody and go, you stink, stop stinking. This is how you stop stinking.

Yeah. Do you want to stop stinking? Yes or no? If yes, we'll carry on if No, thanks for coming on this far, man. Appreciate it. God bless you. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. You know, that kind of thing. Yeah. Does that answer that question? It does, yeah. So, yeah, that was what was in my notes. Um, so what's [00:26:00] your, what's your top tip then?

'cause you've, you've, obviously, you, you, you're starting out with podcasting. You, you're, you've done a, a fair few now what, 2030 of your own podcast episodes maybe? I dunno, not really counted. No, not that many. Not

Sadaf Beynon: really counted.

Matt Edmundson: Not that really. We'll sit close to your microphone. Sorry. Um, we're still, we're still, we're still learning.

We're still, we're still learning every, all of it. We're on a journey. We're all learning. We are. We are.

Sadaf Beynon: Very much. Um, I think for me, what, and I know this, but I think just hearing it from someone, you know, you hear other people saying the same type of thing, it just helps stick the point. But, um, I think to be a good host.

You kind of, and you, you said it too, in the interview that you have to have a curious mind. Yeah. And I don't, cause I think for me, it was always like, well, you have to have the experience to be able to understand the kind of questions you need to ask. And I think you do to some degree, but [00:27:00] it's not, it's not everything and asking those questions that dig and go beneath the layers, you know, layer after layer, I think that's where you get the authenticity and the stories.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, yeah, it's a very powerful point because there have been occasions whereby I've had guests who I thought were maybe a little bit dull at the start or wasn't really going the right direction. And I thought to myself, well, you know, you think through several things. Do I need to stop this interview?

Do I need to restart it, which we've talked about? Do I need to maybe do that? Or sometimes it's a bit of a challenge where I set myself where I go, no, I'm not, I am. For me as a host, the challenge here is to make this as interesting as possible, as quickly as possible, right? And so how skilled am I at asking a question that can bring this back on track straight away and actually be quite interesting?

Um, that is a skill. Uh, and as I think as long as you're doing active listening, [00:28:00] it's, it's a lot easier to do if you do the old active listening thing. Yeah. I have used that skill, that tactic and that comes from that always having that curious mind just as people are saying stuff that's, I mean, we were joking around the office earlier on we were in a meeting that was just a bit dull last week.

One guy went on for about 45 minutes and we're just like, and actually whilst he was going on for those 45 minutes, some of the others zoned out. I didn't, um, I was doing other things, but I was listening, um, and my ear was listening because I think Sometimes people say, like this particular guy, uh, I knew he was going to give him enough rope to hang himself.

If you just let him talk, uh, it's just one of those guys. And so just one or two key things came out of that actually, which was really helpful for me. Uh, really helpful. So it's that skill, that talent. I think when things are boring to either pick up on something that's interesting and ask great questions, um, to make it interesting again, or if you don't, if you can't, if there's no obvious [00:29:00] route to do that, stop it, kill it.

And start again or end it. Yeah, no, I like that. Top tips. Top tips. Look at the time, we've been, we've been, this is, we're coming up for the 30 minute mock. So, uh, I think we should probably end it there, should we? Yeah, we should. Anything else from you? Uh, no, we're good. We're good. So, today, key takeaways.

Number one, use your microphone correctly. Yes. Number two, if you have those guests on that are stinkers, uh, questions to ask yourself. Can I get this interesting straight away by asking a really good question here? Or, do I need to stop it and kill it? What was your key takeaway?

Sadaf Beynon: Mine was about the The stories, so have a curious mind.

So active listening, as you said, let's, we can, um, instill it all in, distill it rather in down into those two words. Have

Matt Edmundson: a curious mind sounds much better. Yes. Cool. Okay. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for joining us. If you'd like to know more information about Podjunction, what we do, uh, you can [00:30:00] sign up to the newsletter on the website.

You can find out more information about us on the website, podjunction. com. Uh, it'd be great to see you in there. Um, so yeah, thanks for joining us. Uh, we will see you next time. Bye for now. Bye.

Sadaf Beynon: And that brings us to the end of today's episode at PodJunction, where business meets podcasting. If you enjoyed the insights from today and wish to hear the full conversation with today's special guest, don't forget to visit thepodjunction. com, where you'll find more information about how you can join today.

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