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How Podcasting Can Help You Connect with Clients | Skip Wilson

Today’s Guest Skip Wilson

Skip Wilson started his advertising journey at 16 as a copywriter and quickly became a digital media pioneer. From shaping CNN's iReport team to leading iHeartMedia's digital growth, Skip's influence is legendary. Now, as the founder of DRAFT Media Partners and host of "The Advertising Podcast," he's all about innovative solutions and practical insights, making marketing magic happen for businesses everywhere.

In this episode of Podjunction, hosts Matt Edmundson and Sadaf Beynon explore the intersection of business and podcasting with a focus on using podcasts as a marketing tool to grow a business. The episode features a segment from Skip Wilson, host of the Advertising Podcast. Skip shares his journey in advertising, starting as a copywriter at 16, and discusses why he started his podcast primarily for marketing purposes and lead generation.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Podcasting as a Lead Generation Tool: Skip Wilson highlights the effectiveness of using podcasts to generate leads by inviting potential clients as guests. This approach facilitates conversations with busy professionals who might not be easily reachable through traditional marketing methods. By positioning the podcast as a platform for valuable industry insights, it opens doors to building relationships and potential business opportunities.
  2. Dual Purpose of Business Podcasts: The episode underscores the importance of structuring a podcast to benefit the company regardless of its listener count. Skip Wilson explains that a well-designed podcast can serve as a reservoir of knowledge, helping to onboard new clients by providing them with a deeper understanding of the company's culture and services. This dual-purpose approach ensures that even with a small audience, the podcast remains a valuable asset to the business.
  3. Strategic Content Creation: Skip's upcoming podcast, the Advertising Singularity, will focus on the future of advertising technology without featuring guests. This content strategy aims to engage potential clients through thought leadership and unique insights, further solidifying the podcast as a vital part of the company's marketing and lead nurturing efforts. Additionally, Matt shares how their podcast, Push To Be More, integrates elevator pitches and guest interactions to subtly promote their services.

Don't miss out on another vital episode of Podjunction - whether you're a podcasting newbie or a seasoned veteran, this episode of Podjunction offers invaluable insights into using podcasts as a powerful marketing tool.

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Skip Wilson -

Sadaf Beynon: [00:00:00] Welcome to Podjunction, where business meets podcasting. Whether you're on a morning jog, driving to work, whipping up a meal, or just simply taking a minute for yourself, our weekly bite sized episodes promise fresh insights from successful podcasters who have cracked the code of using podcasts to grow their business.

So whether you're a podcasting newbie or a seasoned podcaster, this episode is for you.

Matt Edmundson: Welcome to the Podjunction podcast. My name is Matt Edmundson and beside me is the ever prepared Sadaf Beynon. What's wrong with you today?

Sadaf Beynon: I just lost the inside of. Oh, so

Matt Edmundson: Oh, so the headphone bit has fallen out. So that's super dignified. This is where everybody's gonna be like, I'm just gonna go watch the video.[00:01:00]

Because what's going on? So welcome to Podjunction. As well as being super prepared, we are a podcast that talks about how to use podcasting to grow your business. As you can see, we don't do much editing here on Podjunction. It just all kind of happens. And yeah, it's great to have you with us. If you haven't done so already, make sure you like, subscribe, you know, do all the usual stuff to stay connected with us.

Because you know, we're just enjoying the ride. We're going to keep going. Well, at least I am. I don't know about this one next to me. Have you caught it? Are we good? You can hear me now?


let's get your microphone straightened up a little bit. There we go. So what we got coming up in today's show?

Sadaf Beynon: So we have a guest,

Matt Edmundson: how to prepare for a podcast,

Sadaf Beynon: yes,

Matt Edmundson: make sure that you are ready before you hit the record button.

Sadaf Beynon: That's a bonus episode coming up,

Matt Edmundson: 10 steps from Sadaf on how to make sure your earplugs stay in.

Sadaf Beynon: The fly is still here, I just noticed it,

Matt Edmundson: man that fly, I think it's got to be a new fly, I don't think flies live that long, [00:02:00]

Sadaf Beynon: I don't know, I think they're gone forever. Yeah,

Matt Edmundson: you could talk about it on your, what was it, the podcast you wanted to do, the Life Cycle of a Fly?

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah, if it only lives 24 hours, it's not going to go

Matt Edmundson: live. Yeah, if you're new to the show, a very warm welcome to you and you'll be going, what are you talking about? And it's just something that came up last week. So just check out the previous episode would be my advice because I wouldn't actually know how to explain it.

Sadaf Beynon: No. Alright, so today we are listening to a segment or watching a segment from Skip Wilson, who is the host of the Advertising Podcast.

Matt Edmundson: Okay, Skip Wilson, yeah,

Sadaf Beynon: and he's going to be one of the coolest

Matt Edmundson: names on the planet.

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah, you said that.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, yeah. Skip Wilson. It sounds like a, he should be a detective.

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah,

Matt Edmundson: yeah, that kind of Skip Wilson, I got him pictured in my head as like a 50s detective. That's kind of cool. So I'm curious. I'm curious to see what he looks like. So I'm not actually seeing the video. Or met Skip yet.

Sadaf Beynon: No, you haven't. And actually, [00:03:00] you're going to meet him on the eCommerce podcast as well.

So he's

Matt Edmundson: a guest on the EP. He is.

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah.

Matt Edmundson: Okay, very good.

Sadaf Beynon: But on in this segment today, he's talking about why he started his podcast.

Matt Edmundson: Okay. Very good. Well, let's get into Skip Wilson. Here he is.

Sadaf Beynon: Skip. You've had a remarkable journey in Adver in advertising, starting at as a copywriter at 16. What inspired you to start the advertising podcast?

Skip Wilson: So I started the podcast mostly, honestly. I mean, to get, that was our sort of attempt to begin to. Tell our story and tell the story of our brand. So, I mean, the main reason I started the podcast on, you know, being fully transparent was, um, to, because for marketing purposes, for, for purely self serving purposes.

Now that said, we wanted to make this a show that was actually beneficial and actually offered some, um, some insights and benefits to, to the listener, of course. And, but the, the main reason was because that [00:04:00] was our, I, I came from, you know, before, before draft, I was the vice president of digital media at iHeartMedia and we built out, one of the main things we built out, um, in my division was the iHeart podcast, uh, network and just seeing the power of podcasting, both Large podcasts as well as small podcasts and the power and impact it can have on businesses.

I was like, that's, yeah, that was always, that really should always be a part of someone's go to market strategy.

Sadaf Beynon: So how does your podcast then complement The work that you're doing at Draft Media.

Skip Wilson: Yeah. So I, one of the rules I have for starting a podcast venture is, um, cause we, we're actually about to launch another one too, but one of my main rules is.

If there's zero listeners or a million listeners, there needs to be, it needs to be structured in a [00:05:00] way to where there's benefit to the company, because that's something that a lot of folks don't realize is everyone, of course, thinks, Oh, you know, you know, if I start a podcast, then I need, you know, 10, 000 downloads a month or something like that in order to make it worth it.

But that's actually not true. I mean, for some formats, that's true. Like if your goal is to support the. Podcast through advertising revenue or something like that, then yeah, you need, yeah, you're typically paid by a percent by the cost per thousand basis. So you need thousands of listeners, but for most, uh, for starting like a business focused podcast or a podcast, that's like business adjacent, it's actually, you really don't need any heart.

You don't need any listeners at all. Um, one of the, one of the main things that I look at is One, creating a reservoir of knowledge so that if we bring someone into our ecosystem, we can send them a link to things so that they can listen and become a part of our culture [00:06:00] and understand the reason why we structure things the way we do and those types of things.

And then also with the advertising podcast in particular, the, that was really a lead generation, like play, like our main goal with that podcast was to invite. People onto the podcast that we otherwise wouldn't be able to have conversations with.

Sadaf Beynon: So your, your guests that are on your podcast are people that you want to have as your clients.

Skip Wilson: I mean, it was, it's just a lot easier to say, you know, the, the way our business is structured, the way Draft Media Partners is structured is a little different than a traditional like ad agency. We mostly work behind the scenes of other ad agencies and marketers and media companies. And uh, so like it's a fractional CMO.

We're their team that they outsource things to. If it's a, if it's a midsize ad agency, then [00:07:00] usually there's, you know, they may do like AdWords themselves, but they, anything else, they're going to want to sub it out to someone else. And then that's where we come in. Um, so those folks are all very busy people that don't normally have, you know, like a lot of time to just sit down and chit chat, and so it's just a lot easier to say, Hey, be a guest of our podcast.

Then it is to say, Hey, let's talk about what makes Drafts so wonderful because that we get a million of those emails every day, right?

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah, totally. Do you have any stories of people that you've had on the show that have then turned out to be great clients?

Skip Wilson: Yeah, you know, we, we do it in a very soft sell way.

We, we're very much a, if you build it from a business standpoint, now this isn't necessarily a podcast, uh, so much question, but if your business is structured in my way, in my opinion, sort of the right way, and then you have a very compelling product that really almost sort of sells itself. So I would say actually, I mean, pretty [00:08:00] much, not 100 percent of the time, but almost 100 percent of the time, when we sort of in natural conversation, we'll go through and I can mention something like, you know, our simulator tool that we built, or the platform that we built, or something like that, um, Then there's always intrigue or interest because we are different than what's out there and our platform is different than, than, um, what exists in the marketplace also to every conversation in the business to business world always begins with a, um, at least in the West always begins with a, what do you do?

Right, that's like the first question. It's like, oh, you know, Draft Media Partners, what do you guys do? And so that's just an instant invitation for your elevator pitch. And so as long as you have that message crafted to that, uh, to that individual or audience, That's, that can be really compelling.

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah. So you, you mentioned earlier that actually for the kind of podcast that you've got, where it's business adjacent, you don't actually [00:09:00] need many listeners or any listeners.

Um. Right. So how then, well, I guess my, one of my questions is, do you focus at all in any kind of monetization strategies or is it just. Purely based on your guests and kind of drive that top of funnel kind of, um, experience.

Skip Wilson: So with, so we, like I mentioned, we're about to start another podcast, um, called the Advertising Singularity, shameless plug, although it doesn't exist yet, but, um, called the Advertising Singularity, where what that, that show is really all about talking.

About like the future of advertising technology and the things that are being built right now, because we're, you know, there was over a thousand marketing SaaS, um, products that came to market in just the past 30 days. So it's a kind of, uh, I feel like the phrase is overused all the time that, you know, we're in a time of change or, you know, or those types of things, or there's [00:10:00] a, we're in an unprecedented time, but we truly are in the marketing world.

I mean, there's so many markets just popping up constantly. And so that's really what that show is about. That is a show format that we're kind of doing. It serves two purposes. One, there's really not going to be guests on that show. So, um, there might occasionally be. If we are talking about a specific product or something like that, there might be a guest.

But for the most part, the format of that show isn't to have guests. So for that one, there's really two monetization strategies. One is it creates what I call like a binge bank for people that are in our pipeline. So one of the, you know, in business, especially service businesses or business to business businesses, Companies only do business with people that they know, like, and trust.

And so by having a podcast, even if it's only, you know, 10 to 20 episodes or [00:11:00] something like that, that you can work into your pipeline. So that you can say, Hey, if you want to learn more about us, listen to this. Most people will ignore it, but for those handful of customers that do actually, um, or not customers, but rather prospects that do actually start to listen to that, then they're become instant brand advocates.

Right. And they understand what you mean. You know, like we have some internal phrases, like, You know, only, no, no failure, only feedback. And, um, the, you know, if I mentioned things like our simulator tool and those types of things, that means nothing unless someone's already in our world. Right. And a podcast is a nice way to bring them into our world without us having to actually spend hours with them.

Right. We spent hours creating content once and then they're getting to, to enjoy it. Um, but with that one too, because there is no guests, listeners will, It's another one where if there's only 10 or 15 listeners, but those 10 or 15 [00:12:00] listeners are in our pipeline,


Skip Wilson: benefit to us. But that is one where eventually we would want to scale it up to try to tell the story of our company and things more.

So there would be a little bit more of a monetization strategy.

Sadaf Beynon: If that got you curious and you want to catch the full episode, be sure to subscribe to the show. We've got plenty more great conversations coming up.

Matt Edmundson: So welcome back. Uh, man, I got pages and notes out of

Sadaf Beynon: So why don't you go first?

Matt Edmundson: You get why I love that. I think it's really fascinating. I mean, he he's touched on things we've talked about before in past podcasts about for him. It's almost like he's now got two podcasts, you know, he's got the one where he's, you know, He's focused on the guest and he's now starting another one, the Advertising Singularity, which I think is a brilliant name for a podcast.

I just think the word singularity, why am I not using this more? [00:13:00] If you see a podcast called the eCommerce Singularity coming out soon, that's a great name. I thought it was genius. Um, but he's starting that one where he's not focusing on the guests. He's, he's, he's, he's approaching it in two different ways.

So for him, he's. What I like about what Skip's doing is he's understanding the purpose of the podcast. Yeah. Uh, what is it I want to do with this podcast and what's the best way to deliver that mechanism? Um, and so he's got two podcasts with two very distinct purposes and two very distinct mechanisms of delivery, but they're both podcasts.

Yeah. If that makes sense. Um,

Sadaf Beynon: both to draw people to the business.

Matt Edmundson: Both to draw people to the business. So you want to talk direct to guests and the other, um, to actually. It's another way to take your content and use it to onboard clients. Um, so he talks a lot about, you know, even if I only got 12 listeners in the pipeline listening to it, that's great, you know, um, and [00:14:00] so being uber focused on that and using the podcast as a mechanism for delivering that, it'd be really interesting.

I don't know if he talks about this later in the interview, but I'd be curious to know, and I can hypothesize why he chose a podcast as a mechanism. To deliver content for clients to onboard them into his culture, into his ethos, into his ideology. Um, why he's starting the advertising singularity as a podcast.

Why has he not done that as an ebook? Or maybe it has, why has he not just done it as content on his website? Um, I don't know if he answered that at some point. No,

Sadaf Beynon: he didn't.

Matt Edmundson: And I think that's a, for me, it's a, it's an interesting. So let's hypothesize why he would do that. I think, and skip, obviously, correct me if I'm wrong, please do.

Uh, I genuinely would love to know, but I would assume Part of it is with podcasts, as we've talked about before on the show, it's where people consume the content. So if they're looking at webpages, chances are [00:15:00] they could be in the office. They could have a million other things vying for their attention.

Um, whereas with podcasts, it tends to be more in the personal space, in the car, on the way to work, in your ears, walking the dog. They tend to be more distraction free spaces. And so you get to focus on the content a little bit more. And so I wonder if that's part of the reason. I mean. You would argue that actually, if you have content, you should deliver it through every mechanism possible, through your website, through eBooks, through videos, through podcasts, because not everybody consumes content the same way.

And actually, I might look at your website, I then might read, it's a bit like, you know, if you read a good book, you'll go, I'll get the audio book. Or if I get the audio book and it's good, I'll get the real book and I'll read it, um, consuming it in multiple different ways, I think is a really smart thing to do.

Smart thing to

Sadaf Beynon: do. He talked about that, the advertising singularity podcast being a lead generation tool, didn't he? As you said, even if there's 12 people listening, that's 12 people listening that are warm leads in some sense, [00:16:00] aren't they? So if, if he can get people into his world or the people who want to be part of that, then those are warm leads.

Whereas, um, the other, the other podcast that he has, is, um, it's more for general listening, isn't it? And you may, you may become a client, you may not, you might just be listening because you enjoy the content. Yeah. Whereas this one seems more focused towards actually the clients. Yeah.

Matt Edmundson: And I was thinking about that, actually, as he was talking, I was thinking that this is a, we, last time, um, Egan talked about doing specialist, just like limited edition runs, didn't he, on the podcast, we talked about that on the show.

And as he was talking, I was thinking, actually, this is one of the things that I, I, we could do. And for those of you don't know, dear listener, we, um, Several companies, uh, we operate one of which is at the moment is actively trying to acquire eCom businesses to create an eCommerce group, right? So that's what it's trying to do.

And I'm, that's where I spend [00:17:00] most of my time and it's very good fun. Um, but one of the things that we could do there, I think is actually do a limited edition podcast run. Um, that onboards clients to our methodology, how we do things, why we do things, brings in stories. Um, so if someone's interested or wanting to find out more, there's like a series of podcasts that, um, we could do as part of that whole process.

And as Skip was talking, I thought, yeah, actually that's, I don't quite know how to define that yet, but as a loose idea, I thought that was quite smart.

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah. And actually if, if you can create content like that, that they can. Um, Binge, as he called it, the binge bank. I

Matt Edmundson: like that,

Sadaf Beynon: um, that they can go into and just, you know, get themselves immersed in it.

It saves long phone calls.

Matt Edmundson: Yes.

Sadaf Beynon: Um, and they can do that in their own time. And if they're interested, have that conversation.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, it does. And actually, again, you're giving them content in an easy to digest format. Um, and it's easy enough to create, [00:18:00] you know, I could create it as a video, put it on YouTube, take the audio from the video, put it on as a podcast.

Um, and you've got the best of, best of both worlds really, and I think it's a smart way to do it. So I, I'm going to subscribe to a Singularity podcast because I'm really curious to see how he does it, how he makes that work. Um, and maybe we'll get him back on the show at some point, maybe in about six years, six years, six months, probably a bit more, six months to 12, six to 12 months time.

Tell us how it all went, what did you actually find out, um, but no, I really liked that. Did you notice, uh, at the start, uh, I'm just going to put my glasses on to read my notes. Um, he started the podcast, you asked him why did you start, he said he started the podcast to tell his story and the story of the brand.

And then he said, uh, so in essence, I started it for marketing purposes. What I liked about that was how he indirectly, he defined marketing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, he said, in effect, he's telling [00:19:00] marketing as, uh, telling, uh, his story and the story of the brand. Um, and actually I think marketing is, is two things.

It's understanding your story. It's understanding your customer story. And understanding where those two things overlap. And if you can play in that space, then that's an awesome thing to do. And I, I think, I mean, we could talk about why podcasting fulfills that in so many different ways, but, um, actually a good podcast understands.

And I think this is one of the things I understand from Skip, what's come a clear is he understands the purpose. He wants to grow his business. He understands his story, his software that he offers and how it can help people. And then when it makes sense. You know, he's talking to his guests and he's listening to their story.

He is seeing that overlap. He called it the soft sell. I would see it as an overlap between his story and the customer story. And that's why he can just bring some interesting information, uh, in that conversation and that's, you know, [00:20:00] uh, soft selling and it's sort of finest format, really. Um, but yeah, I love that marketing, um, is, you know, telling the story of your brand.

Yeah. I would add is probably telling the story of your brand in a way that is attractive to your customer. Yeah. Um, but, um, yeah, what's it Rich Risen says? He says that marketing is the management of perception. I think that's how he defines it. Um, I should ask him. I'm seeing him next week. Uh, marketing is the management of perception, how people perceive you and how you manage that and how they perceive you in relation to their story and to their pain or their problem or whatever's going on and how you can or cannot help them fix it.

Um, but yeah, really interesting. And I think actually. He started off by understanding that his podcast was a marketing tool.

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah. Yeah. That's what he says. The power of podcasting for businesses, right?

Matt Edmundson: Yeah. Yeah. All connected to marketing. And I think, I mean, we talk about, you know, how to use podcasts to grow your business.

Fundamentally, you have to see it as a marketing tool. Yeah. [00:21:00] Right. Um, very different forms of marketing in terms of what that means. And it looks like Skip's got two different types of podcasts. We've got four. I don't even know. And we just talked about doing another one for the acquisitions company. I mean, next time we come onto the podcast, probably about 20 of the flippin things, um, but yeah, I, I think see it as a marketing tool first and foremost, and then you can understand, I guess, the best way to, you know, To connect with clients, to grow leads, to monetize, to do whatever it is you wanna do, but, um, see it first and foremost as a marketing tool.

Yeah, that was the very first thing he said, which I thought was great.

Sadaf Beynon: Yeah.

Matt Edmundson: So you'll go,

Sadaf Beynon: um, well we've kind of talked about most of it, but something else which, um, I've written down here is that, uh, both podcasts, uh, talking about marketing, he's there, showcase what his business offers. Yeah, so again, going back to the the binge bank of content, it's again, people becoming more familiar with what the business offers and whether [00:22:00] that meets their needs or how it can.

It's really helpful.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, it is. And one of the ways that you can do that, if you don't already know, um, is, um, You can, you can run your elevator pitch at the start of a conversation with your podcast guest. Right? So what do I mean by this? So, um, you have a podcast. So we do this with Push. We have a podcast.

Um, yeah. Uh, called Push To Be More, uh, check it out, pushtobemore. com, subscribe. If you're not subscribed to it already, you'll see some of these things come to play. Um, just sneaky plug there. Did you see how I did, I did. Yeah, yeah. Welcome to Podcast Marketing 101. Now, so what we do at the start of the podcast, um, we record the interview in one, I always say to the client, uh, the client, to the guest, um, we're going to record this in one take, right?

In other words, we don't just record the interview like we do with Skip, for example, and play clips. We just, we record the interview, but [00:23:00] I record the intro with the client, right, with the client, with the guest, with it, maybe the same thing, I don't know. So what that means is, um, the guest is with me throughout the whole podcast.

So when you, if you watch Push, you'll see that they're beside me throughout the entire thing. You won't always hear them on the audio because they're just sitting there very, you know, tentatively waiting for their turn to speak. So I will run through a script and I'll say, Hey, it's Matt here. Welcome to Push To Be More, um, where we talk about the stuff that makes life work.

And to help us do just that today, I'm chatting to Sadaf Beynon, and we're going to be talking about challenges you faced, things that you have had to sort of work through, what you do to recharge your batteries and what growth looks like. Right. So very simple intro. But before we get into that, this show is brought to you by dot, dot, dot, right now.

Just that simple phrase. This show is brought to you by. You don't, it doesn't have to be bought to you by Nike or [00:24:00] whoever. It can actually be bought by your company. And so I would say this show is bought to you by Podjunction. Uh, and we specialize in helping business leaders, like, I guessed, um, like, and I maybe mentioned their name, my business, you know, specializes in helping business leaders, like.

Sadaf here, uh, to grow and establish their business using podcasts. That's right. You can use podcasting as a marketing tool. You may never have thought about that, but honestly, it is insanely good. And here's why. And I might tell a story or something. Um, and then, uh, That's it. Now, the reason why we do this is because right at the beginning of that show, the guest is obviously listening attentively to what I'm saying, right?

They're like, they're drawn in. And so we will then read out the guest bio. So this is Sadaf, who is Amazing at everything apart from putting headphones in before the podcast starts. [00:25:00] Um, I love actually, this is a complete sidestep how your husband is now commenting on the videos on YouTube. That tickled me.

Um, so, uh, you'd read the guest by the guest is then in the show. Now they, they have heard your elevator pitch. If this is the first time I've ever spoken to them, which it isn't, because we've done this on the prequel as well, but I've just reinforced our elevator pitch, what we do, and if they're our ideal client in their head, they're thinking, this is interesting.

And so, We then cement that further with what I think is probably a stroke of genius, uh, on somebody's part, I don't know who it was, it might have been yours, it might have been Simon's actually, probably you, I think it might have been Simon actually, one of my dear friends and mentors, um, we had then, our opening question is the only fixed question we have in the show, right, and in that opening question we say, Or I say, uh, Sadaf, if you had your own podcast, now I'm tying it back [00:26:00] into what the mission of the podjunction is, but if you had your own podcast and you could have anybody on as a guest who's had a big influence in your life, who would it be and why?

Now I'm starting to get them to think about having a podcast. And actually it's a brilliant question because, yeah, it's a bit sneaky. I'm getting them to think about having a podcast. Everyone just instantly feels at ease, they come up with somebody that's had a big influence on their life. And it's a great way to start the conversation, we get straight into it.

And we have had answers from Jesus to Anthony Robbins to Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton was my one of my favorite ones. You're just like, this is genius. And so we had a great conversation about Dolly Parton, which is not what you expect to have. And so And again, at the end of the show, we will say this show was brought to you by PodJunction.

Do check it out, podjunction. com. We stop the recording but and guess what? Half the conversations we have, if not three quarters of the conversations we have afterwards are like, man, that was a lot easier than I thought this whole podcasting thing. And I'm like, yeah, have you ever thought [00:27:00] about it? Um, and it's, it's It's an easy conversation to have, right?

And it's not going to be wrong. We're not selling it there and then, but it's an easy conversation to have.

Sadaf Beynon: Planting the thought, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson: Yeah, exactly. Planting the seeds and opening the door for those conversations to carry on. And so, that's how we

Sadaf Beynon: do it. It's similar to what Skip said, like it's a soft sell.

Matt Edmundson: Yeah.

Sadaf Beynon: It's not, we're not ramming it down their throats. No,

Matt Edmundson: not at all. I'm not like saying it's 9. 99 a month, sign up now or we're not going to carry on the interview. Maybe we should try that, see if we get any more sales. Now you're here, if you actually want the interview to carry on, just click the buy now button on our website.

Give me your credit card details.

But yeah, that's, that's It's a really interesting way of doing it and that's how we do it with Push. We don't do that with EP because EP is different. We'll talk about that maybe on another show because I'm aware of time. But certainly with Push, that's how we do it. And I don't know, how does Skip do it?

What's his, [00:28:00] what's his original podcast called?

Sadaf Beynon: The Advertising Podcast.

Matt Edmundson: I'm going to listen to the advertising podcast because I wonder how he, he does that on that show. The advert, I'm just making a note here, the advertising podcast. Um, if I had any sense, if we'd pre planned this, I could have just pulled it up.

Um, and we could have listened to the, anyway, nevermind. Um, probably need Skip's permission for us to stop playing this podcast on ours. Uh, but yeah, I, I think, check it out. Listen to how Skip does it. You know, we, the way we do it is not necessarily the way you should do it. Um, but it's, you know, what's worked, what works for us on the Push Podcast.

Um, Podjunction, we don't have anything like that. We're just like, you know, this is who we are straight off the bat. This is what we do. I mean, it's totally blatant and not subtle at all in any kind of way. Um, but that's okay. And, you know, we like that. And actually I appreciate actually people listening to this show.

We'll be people who have been guests on the Push To Be More podcast. Yeah. And so I just listened to this going, Matt, you're a toe rag. I now understand your [00:29:00] methodology. Divulged your secrets. I understand what you are playing at now. That's why you invited me. And I thought it's because you liked me. I thought I was a nice person.

Well, I did. I do. I still do.

Sadaf Beynon: That's why we want to work with you. That's exactly.

Matt Edmundson: Excellent. Love that. So yes, hopefully that makes a bit of sense, but yeah, that's how you, I think you can use podcasting, um, in that particular aspect. Yeah. Uh, so anything else from you?

Sadaf Beynon: No. I

Matt Edmundson: think that was a good show. I enjoyed that.

Awesome. Skip, you're a legend. Looking forward to talking to you on the eCommerce podcast. Uh, but that's it from me. That's it from Sadaf. I'll make sure you, like I say, go check out Skip's podcast. We'll link to them in the show notes. Do subscribe to them. Check out how he does it. Uh, we'll put all of those in there in the show notes.

We'll also put links to. Push To Be More?

Sadaf Beynon: Yes, we will. Will we? Yeah, we will. Okay, so if you want to check

Matt Edmundson: that out as well, you can do. Um, and of course, if you haven't done so already, head over to [00:30:00] the website, subscribe to the newsletter and all of these notes, transcripts, everything, it just comes to your inbox every week.

So you don't even have to go to the website anymore, which actually is not good for our web traffic, but it's great for


It's great for you. It makes it a lot easier. Uh, so check out more at podjunction. com. Uh, but that's it from me. That's it from you?

Sadaf Beynon: It is from me too. Are you sure? Yep. Bye.

Matt Edmundson: Bye for now.

Sadaf Beynon: And that brings us to the end of today's episode at Podjunction. If you've enjoyed the insights from this episode and want to hear the full conversation with today's special guest, please visit us Don't forget to visit PodJunction. com where you'll find more information about how you can join PodJunction Cohort.

Whether you listen on the go or in a quiet moment, thank you for letting us be a part of your day. Remember, every episode is a chance to gain insights and to transform your business with podcasting so keep on tuning in, keep on learning, and until next time, happy [00:31:00] podcasting.